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Die Twice, Born Forever!


The Ferry Man

Spiritual awakening is an invitation.
It is not something you can aspire to, look for,
it is simply already there within yourself.
Any intention to force the issue gets lost in busy mind.

The fact that you are reading this implies that something is however pushing you to look further, to ask questions about reality or simply
a inquisitive nature to go beyond.
Many students have ideas about Enlightenment, about bliss, about awakening and I remind them daily, it is not what you imagine, it's far more ordinary.

But in that simplicity a new perspective of our environment is born, a great wonder,'just this'.

Just this...

It is this simplicity that is always missed because it is so simple and it is always with you, always has been, always will been, seen or not seen.
A true awakening is not about gaining anything,
it is about total loss.
The loss is in simple terms the attachment to the idea of 'me' here and the rest of the world 'there'.

Idea's of being separate (I am talking to you,
you are talking to me) disappear, and what is
born out of this loss is the total understanding
of 'all is one'.


You could call awakening, 'the path of dissolving'.
There seems to be a strategy (path) involved and as the great teachers in history would remind us, you need tools, concepts, ideas and a raft to cross the river until such time as all of these simply melt away.

It's a Paradox, but that's what it is.
To die twice is to be born forever.

An awakened individual will know this so deeply, it becomes as simple as breathing.
My offer here is to guide you further across this hypothetical river.
You could call me the Ferry Man, but please don't shoot me, I'm just learning you to operate the paddles.
It is you who has to ultimately find your way.


No path, No gain

Ideas about bliss in awakening will blind you.
Looking for happier lives, easier lives, whatever, misses the point. Life is, short and sharp, bitter and sweet, it is all included.
The invitation is to live life Un-Conditionally.
Easy to write, very difficult to live until such time as again, living un-conditionally is as normal as breathing.

Face the oncoming traffic of life, welcome each day as it is.
Drop any ideas of false hope, it will bind you.
Dump your ideas and opinions that you think matter, drop them.

So to end, one last point....
Some people think that once awakening takes place, great miracles will stem from their fingers, a world of mysticism will open up, they become this perfect sort of human form, some heavenly being all love.
No, those are misleading delusions. A truly awake person is totally ordinary in a sort of extraordinary way.
Going with the flow in the deepest of ways is enlightenment, wonderfully ordinary and as said, in a sort of extraordinary way.

You awake from the idea of 'me' into a world of 'I am'.

No path, no gain as the Buddha would remind us.
And how do you know the authenticity of your awakening?
That's actually very easy. There is no longer a path, no longer a gain.
No longer the ferryman, no longer a question.
No push, no pull,no looking for God, for amalgamation or enlightenment.
It simply isnt there any more.

And you sit there and ask: What's all the fuss about then?

You are invited every tuesday evening to meet the Ferry Man!


With much Love and Joy,

Mark Hans,
Amsterdam, September 2009



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