The dream state
It is our nature to be busy with our lives, our belief systems and be at the command of our ever busy mind.
You could call this normal.
Of course, as I will continue to remind you, this is only the minds perspective. The big picture lays beyond mind.
We live in a sort of deluded state, sometimes referred to as 'the dream state'.
You don't so much wake up from the illusion of mind, you just see it for what it is.
When you see (and the question becomes, who is this me that sees), the grip that mind had over the apparent identity of 'you' collapses and settles into a much quieter state.
You could call that state Presence, Truth, Enlightenment.
i.e Awareness of the bigger picture, while the smaller picture 'you' continues on its ever busy path.
Dont try and understand this, it doesnt matter, just feel the words and let them sink in.
Within them, or in the silence between them, lies the answer, even if not understood. If you do understand this, even better, but no matter.
That which lies beyond the mind...
You could say that this knowing is that truth. That, which lies beyond the mind, is the only thing that has the power to completely liberate us from this dream state of delusion.
As said, once this is seen, the whole story of 'me' collapses into a sort of running play.
A show, a theatre, called me, seen by me, played by me, and narrated by me.
Inevitably it is ignorance that holds us in check.
Its as simple as that!
If you are to transcend this story, then the starting block is 'the power of now'.
Now, this moment is the only reality. Everything is contained in it and interestingly enough, it is OUTSIDE OF TIME.
Again, dont think about this too much, just let it flow.
There is no time factor in the now.
Time relates to movement around the now, not to the moment itself.
In this 'now' moment is eternity, it contains absolutely everything including the idea of 'me'.
NOW contains everything
It is not mystical, it is not spiritual, it is extremely basic and simple.
Its so screamingly simple that you overlook it when you search for it!
To use a wonderful phrase 'All there is, is now'.
Now contains everything.
Your shopping, driving your car, scratching your head and thinking 'I dont get this' is contained in Now.
Doesn't matter, Now contains it all, and you are that now.
You are the entire story; past, present and future.
Only your mind tells you that you are separated from it, struggling with it.
That is the big illusion.
As said, often referred to as the 'dream state'.
Being aware of this story is all that is needed. To stop giving it so much attention, to stop being a slave to your mind and to transcend it, is the invitation of Perfect Pitch.
Don't believe me, please don't, find out for yourself.
The Power of NOW
All of what I have written about above is included in now. All of what is written about here is already part of your being.
It resides in and is part of who you really are and is inescapable, seen or not seen.
If you get this, great, if not, no matter.
Its all part of the miracle of this, The Power of Now.