Perfect Pitch finding your ground tone
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A dedication to someone who died through unnecessary suffering


Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt
Dance like nobody's watching
Sing like nobody's listening
Make love like a fish swims in water
See everything as new, new, new

Dream in the world of you and me
Be Light, and more light will come
Giving, taking,
appreciating, the gift of 'thank you'
Now and then, is always

Simple life, open being-ness
Timeless, Beyond-ness.
Groundless yet Grounded.
Endless, the here and now
Here and there, now and then appearance
Coming and going, endless movement

Growing, the experience of Enlightenment
The Ever Picture of reality...........

The silent difference of no difference
To know, not knowing and be quiet
To rest in meditation and see the happiness of 'just this'


Dedicated to the one who gave me life
R.I.P. x

KrishnaMark-Hans, Perfect Pitch WaterfallParvati



Just because it appears, doesn't mean its true!
To know the mind and to transcend it, is Enlightenment




Mark Hans,
Amsterdam, 15-8-2010



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